Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So I finished correcting my fundraiser letter and flyer, printed them out and made a blog about it with a donation button on myspace. All before 7 am!

I'm off to ride 8 miles in the cold and I'll be folding the letters after.

Have a great day!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Bike and Build Essay

A requirment as part of the application process, I needed to answer 3 questions with a minimum 300 words per answer.

I have made it into a PDF so anyone that cares to read what I wrote can do so.

Bike and Build Essay PDF

Fundraising Time

I got all the fundraising stuff in the mail and will soon start raising the money I need for the trip.

I'll be drafting a letter and also make a flyer for the area that I frequently ride.

The itinerary I received states we start on Tuesday, May 20th in North Carolina and arrive in San Diego, California on July 23rd. We will have traveled approximately 3,428 miles and cycled through 8 states.

I will continue to update any progress of this exciting journey. Before, during and after. So please check back often.

If you'd like to make a donation, contact me.