Monday, April 7, 2008


I've almost reached my fundriasing goal!

It's almost here!

I've almost got all the gear needed!

I'm almost going crazy! OK, not really.

Everything is going pretty well. Just got the info on the presentation thing we all have to do. Biking, trying to find some community service to do, just getting it all in order.

Today I'm going to be commuting to work. I've done it before but not at night. I work 1-10 so it will be dark when I go home. It's only 8 miles total but will save money, gas, the earth and help me train. All at the same time!

I'm going to commute as much as possible for the next 20 days(that's how long I have until I don't work). I'll post in the next couple days on how it's going!




hannah said...

I am glad to know not everyone has all their ducks lined up. You can pick weeds for a homeless shelter for sweat equity? Gah! I totally just spent the night at a homeless shelter a month or so ago!
Hum, I'll have to contact Brendan and see what exactly I can do. I am jealous you are only working for twenty more days. I am trying to decide exactly when I can get away with stopping work, but due to not having $, I am afraid to do so!

Sheesh, I am not usually a person that stresses or worries about anything, but all the stuff for Bike and Build is driving me crazy right now!

Dave said...
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Dave said...

I'm not sure about the picking weeds but until a couple hours ago, that seemed my only option.

I found a habitat project somewhat close to me but it's full. I sent them an e-mail though and I signed up for a project on may 17th.