Sunday, July 20, 2008

Crazy, we're in Cali!

So we just hit our last state. What a bummer! I don't want this trip to end. Seriously. Sorry everyone back home.

After cruising through state inspections, 8 or so of us swam in the colorado river. Nice and warm. I was sweep with Maggie and it was our last sweep day. It was great though. No pressuring the people in the back. Just a nice, easy 65 mile day. Started out in the rain though but it stopped at lunch, 30 miles in, at 8:30 in the morning.

The previous day was exciting but I can't talk about it. We did sing a lot of songs though.

We had  a part two of the talent show tonight. Scott W wrote more to his previous song which was awesome! I wrote a poem yesterday because we had lots of time and I shared that. Turned out pretty good. I will not post it because you wouldn't get any of the references. Sorry.

I'd like to thank Lance's Mom for sending him the cookies. He did share them and they were good!

We only have a few short days left until we have to part ways and work our way back into reality. So lame! 

I haven't been taking a lot of pictures so here are some from the previous week or so.

Daryl(our supervisor), Ben, Hannah and Scott W on our last build day

Is he strong or what?

Anna on a locals bike. Part of game day

The sunrise in Wickenburg, AZ

1 comment:

ryanellis777 said...

It's great to hear that you are in California. I hope these last few days are great and that you stay safe all the way to the end. You never know what may happen in San Diego; those crazy drivers. Anyway, see ya when you get home.