Friday, July 4, 2008

Miserably Great!

Rays of light!

Happy Fourth of July! We are now in Colorado and today is our day off. Our last day off...(sad). Yesterday we had another build day. Framed a house. A two story this time. That was cool.

The day before that was our longest day of the trip. 123 miles. It took many many hours. It also didn't help that we got caught in a storm.

The group I was riding with decided to stop when we were almost blown over by the wind. There were no structures around so we found a ditch next to a barb wire fence.

It was raining, really cold and lightning. We huddled together trying to keep each other warm as the storm was passing over us. It was miserably great as the title says. Though we were freezing, wet and pretty uncomfortable I think we all had a good time. We started playing the grocery store game and we thought of warm items we would get.

We were there for about an hour and it started to calm down enough to continue riding. It was tough getting out of the ditch and ride. We were all shaking from the cold and all the roads were wet. Not a good combo.

Others got caught but found shelter of some sort. In all, that day was awesome! Another century and a good story to share.

The next three days are going to be good ones. 100 tomorrow, then 80 and back to a 100 mile day. All of this through the mountains of Colorado.

I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight. Maybe fireworks, maybe not. I biked to the bike shop a couple times today. Got in 14 hilly miles.

Also, the talent show did go on and it was awesome. People that had talent actually performed. We got video of all the acts but I'll show you mine when I have a better connection to upload it. Horrible but nessesary for all the people back home. Told some I'd do it. It's almost 5 minutes so you probably don't want to waste your time.



A funny sign and Dream Sweep!

Shot at the same spot as the top picture, minutes apart, just a different direction


Chris said...

Hi Dave,
We are commenting from the Tetons in Wyoming. Seeing lots of wildlife including two grizzly cubs chasing a herd of elk on the flats below our room at the Jackson Lake Lodge. We have stories to tell too.

Sounds like you had a pretty harrowing day with your ride in the storm. Happy you are safe.

Bob and I have biked the opposite direction of the the Ouray to Durango that you will be doing so when you are going up that very steep mountainous grade to Silverton keep in mind that we were coming down that into Ouray. We had one of our group crash and had to leave the trip. That will be a mountain pass you won't forget.

God speed....

John Getchel said...

Pretty wild story Dave. Did you get any pictures of the foul weather and lightning? Soon you will be in Arizona and wishing for the cold I bet.

Take care Dave!