Sunday, May 25, 2008


Oh, forgot to mention or maybe I did(Already these days are blending in), most of us are doing a push-up for every mile that day.

So for instance, today we did 58 miles and 58 push-ups when we got to our destination. We are pretty loose with the rules. People can rest and stuff. I rest but don't get my hands off the ground.

It's a nice way to work the upper body. Even out a little.



ryanellis777 said...
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ryanellis777 said...

DAVE! It's great to hear that you are having fun. The pics are great! When you get back I just might be able to bike as long as you. On Friday I biked 12 miles. I couldn't really bike on Saturday because of the rain but I am getting there. Have a good time and talk to ya later.

GregK said...

Hi Dave,

woohoo! You're definitely the talk of the town back here! We're really rooting for you!

One question we have: Are you keeping a daily diary for when you can't get on line?

Take care!

Dave said...

I am keeping a daily journal. Personal but still info I can use for posts.

Thank you!