Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tough Day!

Yesterday we left Greenville for an 80 mile ride to Wake Forrest. It was a tough day. Our first day of decent hills. The combination of many miles, some heat, pushing too hard and not changing the front gears sooner did me in. I was in the front group and thankfully we had cold gatorade waiting for us. Showers soon followed.

North Wake Church was our stop. Again, awesome! The hosts have all been very cool and generous.

Leaving the house

one of the last pictures before my gorilla pod snapped off on a big pothole. Tried superglue but it's done.

Go Go Go! Right across from the YMCA we showered at was a go-cart place that was closed but had a guy working on a new mini-golf course. He opened the track and gave us a discount. It was a blast! Those things slide nicely.

Today was much easier and slower pace for me. 38 miles to Chapel Hill. Some hilly spots but not as bad as we thought.

The first couple groups got in at 1. We were the first to shower! Who knew showers could be so coveted? The next two days are build days here in Chapel Hill. 9-5 days is what I heard.

Today is pretty chill. The group who has no name is doing laundry right now. We have our first group presentation tonight and dinner at 7. After that we are free for the night. In the next couple of days we'll probably do our presentation to people of the community/Chapel of the Cross(the church we're crashing at for the next couple of days).

Cole Train(inside joke), the group I'm in has cooler duty this week. Gatorade, water, food. Eh, I guess that's enough info for you guys. More later.



John Getchel said...

It's great that you have had many opportunities to get on line and keep your blog updated. As well as a journal I hope you have been taking many more pictures of your adventure. Can’t wait to see them all when you get home!
You and your group are in out prayers!

Take care.

Dave said...

Yeah, the farther west we head the less there'll be. Internet or life and awesome food.

GregK said...

Dave, do you want us to send another Joby? If you can get an address and a date, I can get one to you.

Dave said...

If you want. Our next mail drop besides tomorrow is on 6/5 I think.

bikeandbuild.org for locations and info