Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Serving and I'm almost gone!

Last night I helped serve a couple hundred homeless/in need people. I found out about it that morning and signed up. They've been doing it for many years and are very efficient. I was a server. Stood in line and when it was my turn, took two plates of food and was directed to people just sitting down. Once I was out I got back in line. It all worked very well. After that we cleaned up and put the chairs and tables away.

I still need 1.5 hours but there is nothing habitat related. Well there is but not in the next couple days. I'm going to contact the head of a single mothers home and see if they need me to do something.

On the biking front, I shipped my bike! I have my old mountain bike that I just started using again. Man was it weird getting back on it. This is the bike I put 1,400 miles on but now it's so low to the ground and heavy. No clip-less pedals, different stance and not as cool looking as my road bike.

If you still want to donate, contact me. The time has past to get donations to the office in time. I will be bringing any donations to orientation. If you have donated, thank you! I've compiling all the address but some of you didn't leave an address. I'm trying to locate those to send you a postcard along the way. Send me your address if you didn't put your address anywhere.

I've got a couple more things to wash and I'll start packing my duffle bag. Everything should fit nicely. I've been calm getting things in order like, how I'm getting to Nags Head.

All good stuff!



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