I've not written here in years, but I continue to write over at UnfoldingEpic.com
Go check it out if you want to find out what I'm doing.
Thank you!
Friday, January 2, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Miss The Good Old Days
By the good old days I mean Bike and Build. Almost a month and a half to go until it's been a year since the beginning of my trek. I still miss it. The people, the riding.
A friend is going on a bike and build route in two months. I'm kinda jealous because I know how much fun he'll have.
I've got a couple new adventures brewing but it's not going to happen for a year or two.
The triathlon is 3 and a half weeks away. I'll be ready for it. Need to kick it up to high gear.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Time has passed
I want to keep this blog alive for future adventures so I thought I'd post a little update.
It took a month or so to get over my post bike and build depression. In October I sold my car and moved to Davis, CA in November. It's one the most bike friendly communities in the country. Everything I need is close by. By bike or walking.
I'm going to start to train for a Triathlon my brother and I are doing in April 2009. I guess that's my next big adventure.
I'm still hoping to be a bike and build leader in 2010. I have a friend who is doing bike and build this coming year. I'm happy for him that he took the plunge once he found out how much fun I had.
Everyone from my trip still keep in touch. Regular e-mails of what everyone is doing. There is talk of doing a marathon next year together. That would be sweet!
I guess that's it for now.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
We all dipped our front tires in at the same time. Many parents taking lots of pictures.
Closing "ceremony" of sorts, a toast, food and our last ride together to the church where we cleaned out the trailer and van. One last hose shower as well.
I was the first to leave and said my goodbyes that night.
This trip was awesome! Through thick and thin we all made it. Memories that will be with us forever and a summer that will never get old to tell.
I was looking for answers but I think I've got more questions now. But through this I know I can do anything I set my mind to. If I push hard enough I will get to the finish line.
I'd like to thank everyone who donated! I could not have done this without you. I hope you realize the impact that this has brought me. I will remember this summer forever.
I hope you enjoyed this blog. Following me on my journey and seeing evidence that there is a God. The pictures I took do not do the landscapes justice. I encourage you to see the country at a slower pace. Life moves way too fast. We all should slow down. Remember, you've only got one life to live.
Dan and Me
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tommorow, our last day...
The view from the awesome climb this morning
Today was an awesome ride. 52 miles and some nice descents and hills. Only 5-10 miles of climbing so I powered through it.
We are in El Cajon and tomorrow we hit the pacific ocean. An awesome accomplishment but I'm sad to see it end. Everyone has been awesome and we've gone through so much.
Until next time,
Yeah, kinda hot
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Crazy, we're in Cali!
So we just hit our last state. What a bummer! I don't want this trip to end. Seriously. Sorry everyone back home.
After cruising through state inspections, 8 or so of us swam in the colorado river. Nice and warm. I was sweep with Maggie and it was our last sweep day. It was great though. No pressuring the people in the back. Just a nice, easy 65 mile day. Started out in the rain though but it stopped at lunch, 30 miles in, at 8:30 in the morning.
The previous day was exciting but I can't talk about it. We did sing a lot of songs though.
We had a part two of the talent show tonight. Scott W wrote more to his previous song which was awesome! I wrote a poem yesterday because we had lots of time and I shared that. Turned out pretty good. I will not post it because you wouldn't get any of the references. Sorry.
I'd like to thank Lance's Mom for sending him the cookies. He did share them and they were good!
We only have a few short days left until we have to part ways and work our way back into reality. So lame!
I haven't been taking a lot of pictures so here are some from the previous week or so.
Daryl(our supervisor), Ben, Hannah and Scott W on our last build day
Is he strong or what?
Anna on a locals bike. Part of game day
The sunrise in Wickenburg, AZ
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Grand Canyon, +30, a whole lot of rain and our last build day
Dennis and some bug. If you know what it is, leave a comment
Though it was still taking a dump on us. The two I was riding with and I hung out in the trailer until it died down a little, changed out of our wet clothes, had a couple bagels and finally crashed in our tent until morning.
Oh and we did 95 miles instead of 60. Full campgrounds made us ride 30 more miles through the Grand Canyon and into a not packed one. But we had only 50 miles today instead of 80. We found out at lunch so we had to psyche ourselves up for 30 more.
Also we are now on Pacific time! No more adding hours to my bike computer to find out what time it is.
Yesterday we had a scavenger hunt of sorts as it was a 70 mile, not that good of scenery day. Divided into 3 teams and had objectives that had to be captured by a camera.
We had a blast the first half. My team got a ton of objectives. Some crazy some not. It started to get hot and all the teams had like 15 flats combined at lunch. We decided to call the second half after lunch off. In the next couple days we are going to look at all the teams pictures and see who won. Also the last 15 miles, Lisa and I switched bikes and shoes. We wondered how different it would be. Wasn't that different for me but my bike was a little too long for Lisa.
Today was our last build day, here in Prescott, AZ. Landscaping of sorts. Digging up rocks, large rocks and putting them back after we get what little dirt there was out. Good work but it was hot! The sad thing is we only have a week left! We have to go back to reality. I get butterflies thinking about it.
Tomorrow we head down. Down into the hot desert. Should be great!
A bunch of people climbed out onto the rock before the storm started moving in
Suz and Lisa behind the sign, before the downpour we got caught in
Grand Canyon
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Arizona, your roads are horrible! But the views, pretty cool.
The ride to Durango, CO I believe
We are here in Kayenta, AZ and just got back from Monument Valley. Super cool valley of rock formations. For $25 we got a 3 hour open window bus tour. It was awesome! Oh, I got my 3rd flat. Lame!
Here are a bunch of pictures:
Here is a picture of Lance at 4 corners for Lance's Mom
Me at 4 corners
Lisa contemplating the beauty of it all
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Beautiful Disaster
Long time, no post. Sorry. Internet shortage. After the 4th we had a 103, 84, 101 and 70 mile days. These were miles going over mountains in Colorado. So long, tough days with beautiful landscapes and great descents.
We went over Monarch Pass which is 11,300 feet. Stopped for lunch and hot chocolate(Thanks Angela!) at the top. A storm started brewing as usual and I left for the 10 mile descent right before it hit.
Rain, wind, taking up the whole lane, going 25-35 down and saying f-it at the bottom where others had stopped to wait it out. I just kept riding and killed it the last 30 miles. Staying around 25-30 the whole way. Getting in first and calling some guy to open up the school for us.
We also had a build day. Doing more flooring just outside of Durango.
These are pictures from my new camera. My old one broke one morning. Just stopped so when I had a chance to go to wal-mart, I picked up a new one. I would have been kicking myself if I didn't get one so the expense was justified.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Miserably Great!
Rays of light!
Happy Fourth of July! We are now in Colorado and today is our day off. Our last day off...(sad). Yesterday we had another build day. Framed a house. A two story this time. That was cool.
The day before that was our longest day of the trip. 123 miles. It took many many hours. It also didn't help that we got caught in a storm.
The group I was riding with decided to stop when we were almost blown over by the wind. There were no structures around so we found a ditch next to a barb wire fence.
It was raining, really cold and lightning. We huddled together trying to keep each other warm as the storm was passing over us. It was miserably great as the title says. Though we were freezing, wet and pretty uncomfortable I think we all had a good time. We started playing the grocery store game and we thought of warm items we would get.
We were there for about an hour and it started to calm down enough to continue riding. It was tough getting out of the ditch and ride. We were all shaking from the cold and all the roads were wet. Not a good combo.
Others got caught but found shelter of some sort. In all, that day was awesome! Another century and a good story to share.
The next three days are going to be good ones. 100 tomorrow, then 80 and back to a 100 mile day. All of this through the mountains of Colorado.
I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight. Maybe fireworks, maybe not. I biked to the bike shop a couple times today. Got in 14 hilly miles.
Also, the talent show did go on and it was awesome. People that had talent actually performed. We got video of all the acts but I'll show you mine when I have a better connection to upload it. Horrible but nessesary for all the people back home. Told some I'd do it. It's almost 5 minutes so you probably don't want to waste your time.
A funny sign and Dream Sweep!
Shot at the same spot as the top picture, minutes apart, just a different direction
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Kansas is not flat!
It has come to my attention that Kansas is a hilly state. Flat like glass it is not. So we are obviously out of Oklahoma and soon to be out of Kansas, into Colorado.
Yesterday was so windy, we were going 4 mph in a very strong head wind at times. We also camped the other day. Fun but much more work and less amenities. Also heard tornado sirens the next morning. No sightings though, bummer.
Saw a tarantula on the road, didn't get close enough pictures though as he was moving pretty quickly. Played the alphabet game and grocery store game a bunch today. Helps pass the time when the scenery is all the same. Also stopped again for ice cream. We all seem to be making it a necessary stop after every ride. I should start an ice cream/shake fund.
Talent show tonight, at least I think that's the plan. I've got a great act. Video eventually. Nothing else really really exciting. Here are some pictures for you. Sorry for the not very detailed post. Got our next century tomorrow.
This is not flat! Lisa and Suz climbing up the hill
Clouds the other day
Patrick staring off into the distance thinking he can't go on...not really...well sometimes
The long road in life
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Crash into me!
So today was my first crash. I'm fine but more importantly my bike is good and my camera still works.
Enjoy these pictures:
We are now in Ponca city, OK. Today was 74 miles. A bunch of head wind that most people didn't like. I didn't mind. Yesterday a couple of us rode to the bike shop and then to downtown Bartlesville. Checked out the only Frank Lloyd Wright skyscraper. Pretty cool. Didn't get pictures though. So here are some random ones.
Bike clinic held for local kids
We have 8 days straight of riding with possible internet connection shortage. It's going to be awesome!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I Love Tail Wind!
Yesterday I felt really great! I was way ahead of everyone the whole day. 74 miles by myself. I didn't push it that hard or really aim to be first. It just happened. It was really windy and had side wind, head wind and tail wind.
When I hit some tail wind I got to 31mph on the flats for a mile or so. I was flying! But then I had to turn back into the side wind. Lame!
The day before was another 74 miles. Rode through some pretty good rain for about 20 minutes. Also took pictures at 3 corners, where Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma meet. Missouri was a bonus state that we rode in for 8 miles. Also right at the end I had a tire blowout. It was a pretty loud bang. I put 2,300 miles on the tire so I'm not really bummed. I will be making a belt out of it when I get back home though.
On the 21st we rode 91 miles through the Ozarks. Wasn't bad at all. A bunch of climbing but used to it now. Hit a new high speed record, 41.4 mph!
A couple of us that got to the host site first decided to do 9 more miles to get back to back centuries. We were in Fayetteville and it's on a hill. Everywhere we turned were hills, so we had to go down one but we had ice cream at the bottom to make it all better. Those last miles took forever!
Today is our second day off and we are in Bartlesville, OK. Got a list of things I need to do after breakfast, which is at 9:30. About the time that we have first lunch if it's a long riding day.

Cole Train!
3 corners
Me not talking on a phone, really!
Friday, June 20, 2008
105 miles!
19.3 miles an hour and hit the hundred mile mark!
So we are in Clarksville and our first century was awesome! At least for me. It felt so good. Nice scenery, cool people to ride with(everyone's cool though) and a pretty quick and easy day. A couple hills here and there but pretty flat most of the way.
We were on the news(click to watch segment) last night and someone at a gas station said they saw us. If you look closely, you can see me in a couple shots, one with me leaning on something working hard!
I don't know the mileage tomorrow but I hear it will be hilly. Bring it on!
We have wireless here so I decided to give today its own post. Here are some pictures from today.
Tip of the day: Remember to bring your towel to the showers
A nice dam bridge and Travis, part of Cole Train, the best chore group since time began
Also part of the dam bridge, a multi use path that we rode across
Found outside a gas station
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