Dennis and some bug. If you know what it is, leave a comment
The other day we rode through the Grand Canyon National Forrest. It was awesome! Got some nice shots before the storm came and then we got caught in a downpour. A downpour and approaching 7:30 at night is not a good combo. But we made it to the campground safe and sound.
Though it was still taking a dump on us. The two I was riding with and I hung out in the trailer until it died down a little, changed out of our wet clothes, had a couple bagels and finally crashed in our tent until morning.
Oh and we did 95 miles instead of 60. Full campgrounds made us ride 30 more miles through the Grand Canyon and into a not packed one. But we had only 50 miles today instead of 80. We found out at lunch so we had to psyche ourselves up for 30 more.
Also we are now on Pacific time! No more adding hours to my bike computer to find out what time it is.
Yesterday we had a scavenger hunt of sorts as it was a 70 mile, not that good of scenery day. Divided into 3 teams and had objectives that had to be captured by a camera.
We had a blast the first half. My team got a ton of objectives. Some crazy some not. It started to get hot and all the teams had like 15 flats combined at lunch. We decided to call the second half after lunch off. In the next couple days we are going to look at all the teams pictures and see who won. Also the last 15 miles, Lisa and I switched bikes and shoes. We wondered how different it would be. Wasn't that different for me but my bike was a little too long for Lisa.
Today was our last build day, here in Prescott, AZ. Landscaping of sorts. Digging up rocks, large rocks and putting them back after we get what little dirt there was out. Good work but it was hot! The sad thing is we only have a week left! We have to go back to reality. I get butterflies thinking about it.
Tomorrow we head down. Down into the hot desert. Should be great!

A bunch of people climbed out onto the rock before the storm started moving in

Suz and Lisa behind the sign, before the downpour we got caught in

Grand Canyon